
Urban Green Lab News & Resources

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Today in Nashville ft. Nashville Food Waste Initiative

By UGL-Staff | August 21, 2018

Linda Breggin, from The Nashville Food Waste Initiative, speaks with Today in Nashville about Kroger’s new campaign to combat food waste.

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First-Ever Sustainable Classroom Training

By Diana Andrew | July 17, 2018

Last week Urban Green Lab hosted 27 trailblazing educators in a training on sustainability, the Sustainable Classrooms curriculum, and US Green Building Council certification.

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Urban Green Lab, VU, & Partners Launch Statewide Curriculum to Inspire Sustainable Living, Prevent Waste in Cities

By UGL-Staff | July 10, 2018

Urban Green Lab, in partnership with Vanderbilt University, Metro Nashville Public Schools, and the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation, trained 30 Metro Nashville teachers today ….

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Nashville Tries To Set An Example In Food Waste Reduction

By UGL-Staff | March 15, 2018

The Natural Resources Defense Council has chosen Nashville as a model city for a year-long concentration on reducing food waste.

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Nashville Restaurants Fighting Food Waste Can Now Hitch A Ride For Their Leftovers

By UGL-Staff | January 24, 2018

Every year, the equivalent of about 10 million meals in Nashville are tossed in the trash, while one in six residents doesn’t have enough food.

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When It Comes To Food In Nashville, It’s Waste Not, Want Not

By UGL-Staff | April 18, 2017

Now, a dozen chefs in Nashville have been chosen by the Natural Resources Defense Council as a national model on how to cut down on all that waste.

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The Hive Hour—Linda Breggin, Seema Prasad, & Beadle

By UGL-Staff | October 23, 2016

Jennifer Masley hosts Acme Radio’s “The Hive Hour,” an in-depth look at all things Nashville has to offer in local food and wellness.

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Urban Green Lab launches mobile, sustainable classroom

By UGL-Staff | February 16, 2016

Urban Green Lab launched its new mobile laboratory, a trailer filled with interactive exhibits, created by 1220 Exhibits, and informative posters on the five subject areas of sustainability.

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