

Each of us has an important role to play in sustaining our planet, no matter how big or small. Your generous donation to Urban Green Lab creates opportunities for Nashvillians to learn about sustainability in all the places we live, work, and learn. We believe education is crucial for systemic change around sustainability in Nashville, and we are thankful to our donors for supporting this work.

The Urban Green Lab Classrooms team trains a group of public school teachers on sustainability

Provide Educational Opportunities

Our donors enable us to implement the kind of powerful sustainability education programming you've come to expect from us. Make an impact for the planet today!

Empower Volunteers

$75 can equip a new volunteer to teach easy lessons about sustainability to their friends, family, and neighbors in the new UGL Volunteers program.

Support Roundtable

$250 can provide a scholarship for a nonprofit to join the Nashville Sustainability Roundtable, learning from others how to integrate sustainability education into their workplace culture.

Train Teachers Together

$450 can train three K-12 teachers on our Sustainable Classrooms curriculum, helping them integrate lessons about sustainability for all of their students.

Additional Ways to Support

Match Your Impact

Man shaking a woman's hand at a business event

Double your donation for the future of our city with employer matching through Amply! The Amply tool is built into our donation page and makes it easy to double your gift to help us reach more teachers, students, and nonprofits with training on sustainable living.

1% for the Planet

1% for the Planet Environmental Partner logo in black

As a 1% for the Planet Environmental Partner, your donation to Urban Green Lab is a certifiable donation for your annual commitment. Thank you for your commitment to the environment by sharing 1% of your annual sales directly with environmental organizations.

Corporate Partnerships

Group of three people speak in a business setting

Urban Green Lab is proud to work with many of Nashville's most philanthropic corporations and foundations. Our community is at its best when we join together through a shared vision for our future. Email our assistant director of development to learn more.

Ensure Your Legacy

Children sit on the floor in the library while a teacher reads to them

You or your family can be a part of Urban Green Lab for decades to come. Legacy gifts ensure the continued thriving vision in which you have already invested so generously. Your visionary gift today will light the way for generations to come.

Shop to Support

When you use the following links to shop or enroll in their community benefit programs, Urban Green Lab receives a donation.

Justice Industries

Curbside glass recycling bin by Justice Industries

Just.Glass by Justice Industries provides curbside glass recycling pickup keeping glass out of our area landfills while also employing some of our city’s most marginalized people. Use code "UGL" to get your first month for free! 


EarthHero logo

EarthHero will donate to our mission when you use our link to purchase reusable food storage, sustainable personal care items, or other sustainable goods from their website. Shop for low-waste goods while supporting our work!


Kroger Community Rewards logo

You can support Urban Green Lab every time you shop at Kroger through Kroger Community Rewards. Sign in to your Kroger digital account and search for Urban Green Lab. The more people who sign up, the more Urban Green Lab receives each quarter.

Bongo Java Coffee

Bongo Java logo

Shop good coffee for a cause using code "UGL10" for 10% off your purchase of 100% organic, Fair Trade coffee from a Nashville original coffee shop. When you use our code, we’ll receive a donation from Bongo Java because of your purchase.

Urban Green Lab is a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization and your donation is tax-deductible to the full amount allowed by law. FEIN 27-1011744.

We welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your interests and your goals.  Please email connect@urbangreenlab.org.

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