Mural Launch Party – February 24
Patagonia Nashville 601 Overton St, Nashville, TN, United StatesJoin us to celebrate two murals in Urban Green Lab's "Waste Less" murals project at Patagonia Nashville! Celebrate community art with free food and drink, educational opportunities about food waste, and Patagonia and UGL swag giveaways.
Sustainable Classrooms Virtual Hub Training – March 5
Sustainable Classrooms training provides educators with the confidence, tools, and community needed to empower students to make lifelong sustainable choices.
Nashville Sustainability Roundtable: March 21
Join us on Thursday, March 21, 2024, for the Nashville Sustainability Roundtable hosted by Urban Green Lab in partnership with Schneider Electric!
Earth Month Coffee Crawl
From April 1-22, Zero Waste Nashville and Urban Green Lab are showcasing sustainable coffee shops across Nashville through the first Earth Month Coffee Crawl! Grab some friends and try out new drinks across the city.
Nashville Earth Day Restaurant Challenge
From April 12-20, select Nashville-area restaurants will showcase a prix fixe meal or menu special that incorporates elements of sustainability like organically produced, sustainably recovered, or locally sourced ingredients as part of the Nashville Earth Day Restaurant Challenge.
UGL Volunteer Training – May 18
Urban Green Lab 1305 Clinton St Suite 230, Nashville, TN, United StatesThe UGL Volunteers are Urban Green Lab’s frontline ambassadors working to make Nashville a more sustainable place. Join us for volunteer training to learn more about sustainability and how to talk about sustainability with family, friends, and neighbors.
Nashville Sustainability Roundtable: May 23
Join us on Thursday, May 23, for the Nashville Sustainability Roundtable hosted by Urban Green Lab in partnership with REED Public Relations!
Mural Launch Party – July 13
Turnip Truck 5001 Charlotte Ave, NashvilleJoin us to celebrate three murals in Urban Green Lab's "Waste Less" murals project at Turnip Truck on Charlotte Ave. Celebrate community art with low-waste cooking demos, free food, educational opportunities, live music, a story walk leading from Richland Park Farmer’s Market, and a giveaway.
Nashville Sustainability Roundtable: July 18
Join us on Thursday, July 18, for the Nashville Sustainability Roundtable hosted by Urban Green Lab in partnership with the Nashville Public Library!
UGL Volunteer Training at the YMCA- July 23
Margaret Maddox YMCA 2624 Gallatin Pike, Nashville, TN, United StatesThe UGL Volunteers are Urban Green Lab’s frontline ambassadors working to make Nashville a more sustainable place. Join us for volunteer training to learn more about sustainability and how to talk about sustainability with family, friends, and neighbors.