Bethany Edwards


Assistant Manager of Workplaces

Bethany serves as the Assistant Manager of Workplaces at Urban Green Lab. She leads the Nashville Sustainability Roundtable program and B Tennessee.

Moving from Huntington Beach, California at a young age, she has lived as a nearly Nashville native for the past 23 years. She received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Social Work from Trevecca Nazarene University. Bethany’s journey into sustainability started in the fashion and interior design industry where she worked as a stylist for several years. Having learned about the harmful implications of these industries, she was determined to transform her experience into work that more positively affected all people. In 2019, she curated an online home goods and clothing shop where she actively encourages second-hand purchasing, reducing waste, and bringing awareness to harmful environmental and social practices.

Most recently, Bethany worked as an Adult Education Career Coach where she rallied behind a largely immigrant population as they achieved their educational goals. She championed students from countries across the globe by teaching computer literacy, leading weekly orientations, and coordinating ESL and High School Equivalency classroom placements.

Off the clock, you’ll find Bethany outside working in her garden, digging through an estate sale, reading, and traveling as often as she can.

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