

Urban Green Lab’s Households Division works closely with community members, nonprofit organizations, neighborhood associations, faith groups, and more to develop systems of sustainable living education to make sustainability a part of everything we do.

This is accomplished through organizing green teams, conducting personalized trainings, connecting you to resources that help make a difference, and more. Together, we can help make Nashville a more just and sustainable city.

Our Programs

Nashville skyline

Sustainable in the City

Sustainable in the City is a podcast hosted by Zero Waste Nashville and Urban Green Lab that spotlights Nashville’s sustainability champions and shares personal stories from neighbors, coworkers, and fellow community members about the benefits, barriers, and motivators in their sustainability story. Episodes will be released on the third Tuesday of each month on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

The UGL Volunteers

The UGL Volunteers are Urban Green Lab’s frontline ambassadors working to make Nashville a more sustainable place. On their own time, volunteers connect their friends, families, and neighbors to key educational resources that inspire sustainable choices at home, like saving energy and reducing wasted food.

Woman sitting and talking to other people at the table
Woman sitting and talking to other people at the table

The UGL Volunteers

The UGL Volunteers are Urban Green Lab’s frontline ambassadors working to make Nashville a more sustainable place. On their own time, volunteers connect their friends, families, and neighbors to key educational resources that inspire sustainable choices at home, like saving energy and reducing wasted food.

Households Testimonials

“It makes me happy that there is such a community of inspired people with the goal of making Nashville more sustainable on an individual and community level.”

- Maria Morales, UGL Volunteer

"It was meaningful to attend this [training] because of UGL’s focus on our local community. I am someone who has committed to living more sustainably and advocating for initiatives in my circles, so it is nice to have a local non-profit to connect with and build on these efforts as a larger Nashville community."

- Suzanne Merlino, UGL Volunteer

"I love our planet and my community. I want to make a difference by taking action to live more sustainably."

Luz Soto Leon, UGL Volunteer

Households Events

Graphic promoting Sustainable in the City webinar on Nov. 8 at noon

Sustainable in the City Webinar – Youth-Led Community Design

Join us for a conversation with Melody Gibson, Education Director and Cydney Thompson, Youth Programs Intern at Civic Design Center, to learn more about the youth efforts in creating a sustainable and safer Nashville.

Learn More
Graphic promoting Sustainable in the City episode on Oct. 11 at noon

Sustainable in the City Webinar – Nashville’s Climate Resilience

Join us for an informative discussion with Kristin Stroup, Executive Fellow, Building Resilience in City Operations, and Kendra Abkowitz, Chief Sustainability and Resilience Officer for the Office of Mayor Freddie O’Connell. We will discuss the City’s draft plan and how it helps to ensure that Nashville’s infrastructure, systems, economy, and community can anticipate, cope with, and bounce back from expected and unexpected events.

Learn More
Graphic promoting Sustainable in the City webinar about Nashville's Food Scrap Pickup Pilot on September 13 from noon to 1:15 p.m.

Nashville’s Food Scraps Pickup Pilot

Join us to get the dirt on composting from Jenn Harrman, Zero Waste Program Manager at Metro Nashville Waste Services. We will be discussing the Food Scraps Pickup Pilot and how this program fits into Nashville’s overall waste reduction goals.

Learn More

To learn more about the Households Division, contact Karissa Hampton at karissa@urbangreenlab.org.

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