Urban Green Lab's Workplaces Division works with businesses, nonprofits, schools, and government offices to implement sustainability education. We help workplaces organize green teams, teach them about sustainability, and connect them to community resources that make a difference. Our goal is to foster a culture of sustainability throughout Nashville-area workplaces.
Why should your business connect with Urban Green Lab's Workplaces division? Sustainability education and practices attract customers, retain great talent, and secure the future of any organization.
Our Programs
Nashville Sustainability Roundtable
The Nashville Sustainability Roundtable is a gathering of professionals who are striving to increase sustainability efforts in their workplaces. In the bi-monthly Roundtable meetings, members have the opportunity to make new connections within the sustainability community, share best practices, and exchange ideas for innovative solutions in the workplace.
Urban Green Lab Certification
Urban Green Lab officially recognizes community institutions -- like schools, businesses, and nonprofits -- as Certified “Urban Green Labs.” A lab is any workplace that proves its commitment to the practice and training of sustainable behaviors and explores new ways for making decisions that better protect our people, profit, and planet.
Urban Green Lab Certification
Urban Green Lab officially recognizes community institutions -- like schools, businesses, and nonprofits -- as Certified “Urban Green Labs.” A lab is any workplace that proves its commitment to the practice and training of sustainable behaviors and explores new ways for making decisions that better protect our people, profit, and planet.
B Tennessee
B Tennessee is a community of purpose-driven businesses and citizens energized by a sustainable future and led by a desire to use business as a force for good. Urban Green Lab serves as a resource for local businesses interested in pursuing B Corp Certification by providing connections that aid in the Certification process.
Workplaces Testimonials
"The Roundtable opened our eyes and helped us come to know other like-minded businesses in Nashville that care about how business gets done. There's business as usual, and then there are those who come to the Sustainability Roundtable to see how it can be done, factoring in true social responsibility."
- Greg Crofton, Nashville Sustainability Roundtable Participant
"My team looks to me as a leader in sustainability efforts, and UGL continues to be my largest resource."
Brook Farrell, Urban Green Lab Certification Participant
"I appreciated the opportunity to connect with individuals interested in sustainability who are working across diverse sectors, from entertainment to utilities to nonprofits."
- Nashville Sustainability Roundtable Participant
Workplaces Events
Nashville Sustainability Roundtable – October 24
Join us for a sustainability networking event on Thursday, October 24, hosted by Urban Green Lab with The Good Fill!
Learn MoreNashville Sustainability Roundtable – September 19
Join us on Thursday, September 19, for the Nashville Sustainability Roundtable hosted by Urban Green Lab in partnership with REI!
Learn MoreNashville Sustainability Roundtable: July 18
Join us on Thursday, July 18, for the Nashville Sustainability Roundtable hosted by Urban Green Lab in partnership with the Nashville Public Library!
Learn MoreTo learn more about the Workplaces Division, contact Bethany Edwards at
Key Successes
United 614 professionals since the Roundtable began in 2018
Facilitated 19 meetings of the Roundtable
Mobilized an average of 30 workplace representatives to attend each Roundtable meeting
Selected accomplishments since the program started. Updated December 12, 2022.
Workplaces represented by attendees of the Nashville Sustainability Roundtable, nonprofit and corporate